Week #16 update

Not a massive amount done this week on Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge/Rewrite due to my brother coming to visit. Watch Game of Thrones season 5 on Blu-ray and playing StarCraft: Brood War does not leave a lot of time. The April build will be up…

Week #15 update

This week was focused on improving some accuracy issues against the original Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge, fixing some bugs and adding some extra features to the game. I also found some time to get back into network gameplay which was nice since it has been long…

Attention keyboard ninjas!

In January (this year), tester Jared suggested adding TAB key support to dialogs for keyboard lovers. It had been on my TODO list since he suggested it. It was one of those things I dreaded doing thinking it would take a very, very long time and be tricky. It wasn&…

Week #14 update

A new feature - exit phase - was added to the game this week. These blocks are taken from the Xbox version. You can read about exit phase blocks here [https://www.quarkrobot.com/new-feature-exit-phase/]. Exit phase are one-time phase - they either phase in or out once when all…

New feature: exit phase

The Xbox Lode Runner [http://www.tozaigames.com/loderunner] doesn't have exit ladders, instead it has exit phase blocks that either phase in or out once when you complete the level. I liked the idea so I've added it to Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks&…

Week #13 update

A few things discovered with the March build [https://www.quarkrobot.com/march-2016-update-now-ready/] have been fixed and the downloads all updated. These bugs (marked with an asterisk) greatly affected performance and in some cases, rendered the gameplay impossible. If you downloaded the March build the day it was released, you&…

March 2016 update now ready!

Welcome to the March 2016 build! Nearly 90 bug fixes, updates and improvements were made to Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge rewrite in the last two months. This round-up post covers the highlights from the last 8 weeks of work. The main thing feature you'll…

Week #12 update

Happy Easter! If you enter full-screen mode (ALT+ENTER), depending on your display you should get some pillar boxes down the side and possibly some letter boxes. The background is now scaled and will fill the entire screen. Not a ground-breaking feature but I think it adds a nice little…