Week #5 update

A lot of little fixes were made to the Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge rewrite project this week. LAN gaming also got a little work done. I hope to have this done for the February update at the end of the month. You'll notice that…

January 2016 update now ready!

Welcome to the 1st build for 2016! Over 40 bug fixes, updates and improvements were made to Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge rewrite. Of these, 29 were submitted by testers. Although this month is rather light, quite a lot of inconsistencies with the original were fixed. This…

Week #4 update

What I've done this week## Multiplayer improvements such as an extra two runners (Jane Peril and Digmo) and a lobby system has been pushed back until next update. It requires far more time than needed to get working correctly. This will be the main focus for the February…

Week #3 update

What I've done this week## Multiplayer gaming for LAN has been the main work for this week, finishing off all the odds and ends on my to-do list. The new lobby system is also in the works and is very far along. Unfortunately, I don't think…

Week #2 update

What I've done this week## This week was spent working on some outstanding bugs, adding a new Quirk and adding support to alter the music track in the editor. A couple of testers have let me know that a few bugs in the December build pretty much makes…

Goodbye AVI - Part 2

Continuing on from the 1st part [https://www.quarkrobot.com/goodbye-avi-hello-presage/] in this three part series, this post covers the basics on how I converted the original Astral World AVI cut-scene into the original, propriety Presage cut-scene format. Astral World took a little longer than I would have liked to…

Week #1 update

What I've done this week## Welcome to 2016! Lots of bugs were fixed this week, the in-game menu was finally added, cut-scenes checked off and all of the data files shuffled about. Overall, a very productive start to the new year. Again, most of my time was spent…

Thanks for 2015!

I'm working on a 2015 round-up post at the moment which I'll upload later this month, but in the meantime, I'd like to say thanks to all the people who took the time to download and try out this Lode Runner Online: The Mad…