Week #41 update

Monk AI got some much needed attention this week. One of the main ongoing issues is multiple monks merging with eachother causing an odd visual or monks to get frozen. A lot of these have no been fixed. Time was spent on LAN gaming too which at this rate, should…

Week #40 update

Most of week #40 was spent making headway into my TO-DO list. I've been doing this for three weeks now and I'd say around 90% has now been done which I'm happy with. I'm not very creative so it take me quite…

Windows 10 support

UPDATE: changes in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update [https://www.quarkrobot.com/windows-10-anniversary-update/] Many would know that loading and/or saving puzzles and games with Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge under Windows 7 and 8 was problematic. A fellow Presage Lode Runner fan has instructions on how…

Random puzzle generator

I like creating puzzles in Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge. The problem is that I'm not very creative and it takes me a very long time to come up with a good puzzle. The same goes for any game, the last map I made for…

September update now ready!

September has been one of the busiest months yet on Lode Runner - this month alone has seen 70+ fixes, updates and enhancements. Head on over to the downloads page [https://www.quarkrobot.com/downloads/] to get the September edition of Lode Runner: The Mad Monks' Rewrite. Usually there…

Week #39 update

This week was spent adding save game support and fixing some of the issues that have been hanging around for a while. Unfortunately, I've hit a dead-end with the original save game format. It is clearly encrypted and will have to stay that way. In its place I&…

Getting the most out of the editor

Do you spend more time in the editor creating puzzles than playing them? This post has you covered; read a full list of updated features and some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the editor. Got a request or feature idea? Like the rest of…

Week #38 update

What I've done this week## The main focus this week was brining LAN games in-line with local machines games. Thing such as cheating, transferring lives (a feature of the original Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge that I always forget), restarting puzzles and other UI elements.…