Changing the game options

I've given the game options a massive overhaul. In case you don't/can't remember what it looks like off by heart, here it is below; There are a few things that I find wrong with this dialog, most from just a quick glance, and…

Week #20 update

What I've done this week## This week has been a bumper week. Lots of bugs and quirks have been fixed, the credits added and loads of play-testing on all platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac). Special thanks to Lavi, Adam and Mark for helping me out with testing. Thanks…

Week #19 update

What I've done this week## This week was spent doing loads of play testing, fixing bugs, better music support and Ubuntu Linux testing. Play testing has revealed a whack more little quirks and some bugs - most of them found by Lavi, a Lode Runner fan who has…

Sounds Like Pun

...implementing a 3rd party sound engine. Trust me, it isn't. And yes, it is a pun. I've looked it up and everything. Playing audio in Lode Runner seemed like an easy thing to do and initially, it was. I started off using XNA's media…

Week #18 update

What I've done this week## Most of this week was spent trying to get a working Mac OSX copy and removing the Bass sound engine [] (again!). Bass is definitely out of the project now. For the life of me, I cannot get…

Hello, OSX!

IT'S ALIVE!!! Try it out! Want to give Lode Runner: The Mad Monks' Rewrite a go on your Mac machine? Head on over to the downloads page []. UPDATE 13/08/16: Just a note for people who are only just finding this…

214 Shades of Grey

In this analysis [], I'll show you how I pulled off the logo -> scoreboard transition effect. The effect Basically, the scoreboard is revealed in 4x4 pixel increments until the entire scoreboard is present. 1st attempt Like the blasting [https://www.quarkrobot.…

Week #17 update

What I've done this week## This week was all about playing the official single-player puzzle set for The Mad Monks' Revenge and looking for errors + ticking outstanding items of my TODO list. After reading this weeks update you might think "Christ! That's a lot…