MMR Update #12

Release notes for May 2018 (build 18.5.27). This build contains fixes and enhancements.

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A name in parenthesis and in bold is the finder of the bug/quirk. Thanks to all, I really do appreciate your time and support. Cheers!


  • players joining online games will attempt game download up to 3 times before exiting the lobby


  • fixed bug that prevented players falling from a hand-over-hand bar
  • runners now properly use a tool (gas, pick-axe, goop) when right-side is block and a ladder is on the left
  • fixed bug that prevented players from grabbing a hand-over-hand bar before falling (Howie, ZaRR)
  • player could not blast a brick when on a hand-over-hand bar (Howie, Alex)
  • runners did not climb ladders as per the Original
  • game no longer crashes if puzzle can not be transferred to/from server (applies to online gaming)
  • lobby no longer unresponsive if a player leaves when game transfer is in progress
  • fixed bug that crashed the game when puzzle settings were reset to defaults (applies to online gaming)
  • lobby chat box no longer receives input when choosing a game to play

Known Issues

  • gamepad feedback keeps going when using more than one controller
  • monks merging when crossing on/off ladders and using ropes
  • switching to windowed mode hides the Dock (Sierra)
  • regen bomb timing does not accurately match the Original