MMR update #43

Work on networking gaming - you know, making the word "online" in the game title come true - is well under way. My ETA for it being playable is by the end of the year. This should be doable since both the lobby (just needs tarting up a…

LR2 Update #5

As usual, I've been busy with work and haven't had much time to get stuck in to Lode Runner 2. That said, I did make some time this week to progress with the Editor. Editor * Added the escape menu - so far I've got…

MMR update #41 and #42

So, what have I been up to on Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge in the last fortnight? Not much. I've been hard at work on online gaming (for MMR, not playing games online!) and helping out with Lode Runner 2 […

MMR update #40

Most of the fixes involved missing UI tooltips and slight graphical tweaks. Support to disable bilinear filtering (if you want a more pixelated look) was also added. Work is still going great on the new and improved networking. More on that later. A name in parenthesis and in bold is…

MMR update #39

Week #39 sees a new editor feature and some basic enhancements to help make creating puzzle sets easier. Networking is coming along nicely - more on that in the upcoming weeks. A name in parenthesis and in bold is the finder of the bug/quirk. Thanks to all, I really…

MMR update #38

A lot of logic bugs have been fixed this week, along with some changes to classic/1983 mode. Some of the bugs that were fixed this week have been in the game for months - if not well over a year. If you see something odd, please let me know…

MMR update #37

Quite a few little bugs fixed this week - some of them are quite obvious so I'm not sure how I never noticed them before. Unfortunately, I didn't have any time this week to work on LAN. Hopefully I'll have more time next week…

What is the size of MMR?

Have you wondered how much disk space Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge Definitive Edition takes up? Wonder no more! NAS on the left, local storage on the right The Lode Runner folder on my NAS (left) contains; * CD image of Mad Monks' Revenge and The Legend…