Week #29 update

Welcome to the most boring update to date! This build features only one bug fix and some changes to player collision system. This week was spent working on a reliable UDP replacement for Lidgren. With nothing to show in this update, I've dug through the archives and picked…

Week #28 update

Most of this week was spent working on a replacement to Lidgren [https://github.com/lidgren/lidgren-network-gen3] (last updated a year ago). With the networking in the game cut down to the basics it is a good time to do so. This has been on my TODO list for a…

Week #27 update

Not a great deal of work done with week apart from fixing the bugs that affected monks. Thanks to those who let me know. The rest of my time was spent helping out Gareth with Lode Runner 2 [https://www.quarkrobot.com/tag/lr2/]. If all things go according to…

Week #26 update

This week was all about moving on with LAN. We got in a good couple of hours of playing which was invaluable. So far so good. The only main thing to go is to reinstate the lobby and migrate the new server code into the game. This should be done…

Week #25 update

Special thanks this week to MacLr and Howie for the Japanese translation of the game. I'm sure it is not quite what bb010g had in mind when he suggested using Transifex [https://www.transifex.com/], but, language files are now in a LOCALE folder alongside the game data…

Lode Runner 2 Update #3

This last update involved writing an ImageView control. Not a huge feature but it's one step closer to a usable editor. Eagle eyed viewers may have noticed that the available bricks displayed for the Jungle World are not the same - I haven't done this yet.…

Week #24 update

Thanks to all who let me know of the bugs introduced in last weeks build - most of them due to insufficient testing on my part, sorry. Apart from those bugs reported, quite a whack more got fixed this week, along with some project maintenance. I also had some time…

Week #23 update

Lots of fixes this week and a major update to teleports. If you read this update you'll notice that most of the bugs were reported. A big thanks to you all for letting me know. Work on LAN is coming along, albeit slowly. I should have more to…