Week #22 update

Special thanks to Jeffrey, Howie and Maclr for letting me know about the problems with the last build (17.05.28). Thanks to Luis for the Spanish translation. This week was spent updating the File Dialog and making some improvements to LAN. A name in parenthesis and in bold is…

Week #21.1 update

If you downloaded yesterday's build (17.05.28) then you may have noticed blasting is wrong and the game crashed when exiting the final secret puzzle. I've fixed these and uploaded another build, which you can get from the downloads page [http://mmr.quarkrobot.com/#download]…

Week #21 update

Special thanks to Conrad for helping to fix a bug that prevented the game running on all Windows x64 machines and to Luis for the Spanish translation. All interface related fixes this week are courtesy of Gareth since I was busy with networking (which you can read about below). Don&…

Lode Runner 2 Update #2

Welcome to the second development update for Lode Runner 2: Definitive Edition! The past few weeks of work has mostly been all about scaling with a couple of other areas poked at. The Last update [https://www.quarkrobot.com/lode-runner-2-work-has-begun] was focused on the Main Menu. You might think this…

Week #20 update

I spent a few days helping Gareth out with Lode Runner 2. He will be getting around to doing another blog post soon. I've also had internet troubles - three trips up the mountain (at 6km a trip) meant I had a few days off. A name in…


We now speak your language! Thanks to Luis for translating the language file into Spanish. You'll be able to use this in the build that's coming in a few days time. If you'd like to see The Mad Monks' Revenge: Definitive Edition in…

Week #19 update

We've had quite a few emails about getting Mad Monks' Revenge to run on the Raspberry Pi. This is on the TODO list and is being looked into from time to time. We're Windows guys so will probably package the game up [https://docs.microsoft.…

Week #18.5 update

Welcome to an early week update! Due to a few bugs and the game not running on 32bit copies of Windows, I've re-uploaded all the builds. Thanks to Maclr and Howie for help with the x86 Windows build. A name in parenthesis and in bold is the finder…