Lode Runner: Legacy

Want to play an offical Lode Runner game? Great news! Tozai Games [http://www.tozaigames.com/], the rights holders of Lode Runner, are making a brand new game called Lode Runner: Legacy [https://www.tozaigames.com/legacy/en/]. The game is still being made but you can follow Tozai'…

Week #18 update

Last weeks upgrades to the content management and asset reading appeared to have broken the macOS and Linux builds. Thanks to Hector for letting me know. They've been fixed and new builds uploaded so this week you get an early build. A name in parenthesis and in bold…

Week #17 update

The editor/game/preserve state feature has now been fleshed out so I'll be able to implement that this coming week. I've also been redoing the build tool I use to package up the zips for the platforms. At the moment, it is a bit of…

Week #16 update

A lot of project maintenance was done this week and quite a few bugs discovered and fixed. Special thanks to Howie for helping to work out how exactly the editor/try/preserve feature will work. This feature is untitled so if you've got a suggestion, just leave a…

Lode Runner 2: Work has begun!

With work on the Mad Monks' Revenge slowly coming to an end (to be honest, it's all Bram lately - I haven't written anything in a very long time), I've started work on Lode Runner 2. You can read my initial thoughts here…

Week #15 update

I've been busy working on adding the preserve game state feature to the game/editor. This feature was suggested by Jim Winkler a year ago. Have you ever made a complex puzzle and played it only to realize there is a block in the way? This feature will…

Weeks #13 & 14 update

Welcome to a very uneventful two weeks on the project! I've had some time off from the game and have been working on a new site for the project. The goal is to migrate MMR specific stuff to this site and leave the main site as a general…

Week #12 update

Since the 1st of March, I've only had four days without rain. My internet connection is 4G on a hill 3km behind my house powered by a solar panel. No sun for such a long time meant no power which meant me walking on foot 1km and using…