Week #28 update

What I've done this week## This week was all about improvement. Monk AI, the options dialog and a better single/two-player gameplay dialog. Game controller support also progressed with only proper integration into the options dialog to go. A name in parenthesis and in bold is the finder…

Week #27 update

What I've done this week## I took the time this week to prioritize fixing outstanding bugs and issues and spend less time on adding new stuff. I do get a little lazy and quite often make a note of something on my TO-DO list and then forget about…

Quirks mode

I've had a couple of requests for a quirks mode. I wasn't too sure about adding it since my goal was to fix the issues [http://entropymine.com/jason/lr/nr/lrbugs/] from the original Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge but this project…

Week #25 and #26 update

What I've done this week## Welcome to another bumper two weeks worth of updates! What is the reason for this combined weekly post? The same as the last one really; a week with reduced development time and travelling. Fear not though, loads and loads did get done -…

Cut/copy/paste - now with flipping

Selecting regions and cut/copy/paste are basic features in the Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge puzzle editor and thanks to a complete rewrite, they just got better! Are you a dedicated puzzle maker who spends hours tinkering away? Do you like to make symmetrical puzzles? Say…

Bumper update coming this weekend

Where is week #25 update? Again, I've decided to go bananas and do a double update this coming weekend (Sunday, the 28th of June) with weeks 25 and 26, plus a new build to try out for all platforms. I went to Newcastle to visit my brother again…

Week #24 update

What I've done this week## This week was rather light on. All my time was spent on AI with some time squeezed out for fixing some bugs and adding some small extras. The monk AI is not done yet, sadly. My latest attempt is rather really good, unfortunately,…

Week #22 and #23 update

What I've done this week## This week is another bumper [https://www.quarkrobot.com/tag/bumper-update/] update. Over 25 minor bug fixes and some major improvements to the monks. A dozen more bugs were repoted by my chief tester, Lavi, but these were already fixed since the last…