Editor 2.0

One of the appealing features of Lode Runner is the editor. Being able to make and share puzzles means you can extend the life of the game and continue playing without getting bored. After the initial work on loading the original's artwork, I set to work writing the…

The Beginning

One of the things I wanted with my MMR was to be ability to download the original copy from Todd Daggert's [http://www.daggert.net/Folio/Programming/Presage/LodeRunner/Loderunner1.htm] site, unzip it anywhere you'd like, drop in my new EXE and perhaps another data…

The Legend of Mad Monks' Revenge Returns

Welcome to my Lode Runner Online: Mad Monks Rewrite development blog! You can all about why I'm doing this on the project about page [https://www.quarkrobot.com/about-this-project]. I'm actually well into development - I did mean to start this blog earlier but I'…