Week #21.1 update

If you downloaded yesterday's build (17.05.28) then you may have noticed blasting is wrong and the game crashed when exiting the final secret puzzle. I've fixed these and uploaded another build, which you can get from the downloads page [http://mmr.quarkrobot.com/#download]…

Lode Runner 2 Update #2

Welcome to the second development update for Lode Runner 2: Definitive Edition! The past few weeks of work has mostly been all about scaling with a couple of other areas poked at. The Last update [https://www.quarkrobot.com/lode-runner-2-work-has-begun] was focused on the Main Menu. You might think this…


We now speak your language! Thanks to Luis for translating the language file into Spanish. You'll be able to use this in the build that's coming in a few days time. If you'd like to see The Mad Monks' Revenge: Definitive Edition in…

March 2017 update now ready!

A lot of work that went into the March update was making fixes and tweaks here and there to make the game match the Original Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge more closely. Poor network performance was also fixed in this update after it was introduced in the…

February 2017 update now ready!

About time! What was the hold up? Christmas break and porting the ~17,000 lines of code to C#. Porting the code was a great opportunity to go through my TODO list and fix long outstanding items. Nearly all of the project has seen minor rewrites and in some cases,…

Yo ho ho!

Merry Christmas! A big year for Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge rewrite! 2016 saw LAN gameplay, 4 runners, new game options to allow you to tweak how the game plays, and many inconsistences with the Original worked out. Special thanks (in alphabetical order) go to; * Adam * Ali…

December update now ready!

The main focus of the December build was LAN games. The goal is to use the same code for both LAN and web games so making sure LAN games is as best as it can be is a must. Bandwidth usage has been cut by over 50%, plus, overall complexity…

October update now ready!

This build was all about improving Mad Monk hump 'n bump/catch and release policy. This is what I call monks pausing and waiting on other monks and, unfortunately, has been problematic for some time. I took the time and completely rewrote it from scratch and am very happy…